“Vic”, the creator of the coat of arms of the San Martino Museum

notizie sanmartino

Vittorio Vincenzi was a character. Called by everyone “Vic”, he was the creator of the coat of arms of the San Martino Museum and pledged to carry through with it after the death of Barighin.

If Baraghin was the practical and commercial soul of the San Martino in Rio collection, Vic was the embodiment of the spiritual, irrational, and creative aspect of the Museum. Adopted by the town of San Martino, Vittorio Vincenzi - this was his real name - was originally from Bologna. A vignettist, journalist, and writer, his talented hands created drawings and posters but, above all, the symbol of the Museum and that of the Scuderia (department dedicated to racing cars).

From the stories about him, the image of a very intelligent man shines through, but one with also shortcomings: moody, reluctant to innovations, obstinately tied to tradition. However, during the evenings spent at the Museum in small talk, he was capable, while speaking, to draw every car that was cited in detail.

After Barighin’s death, Vic continued his legacy. During the dark periods, when the work by Gentili and Barighin seemed destined to disappear, Vic pushed to continue, and his efforts proved him right. This was Vittorio Vincenzi: a man halfway between genius and intemperance, driven above all by fantasy and a genuine passion for cars of the past.