Moto Guzzi in cinema

Guzzi e cinema falcone di indagine su cittadino al sopra di ogni sospetto

As with many of the symbols from Italy’s boom-time, Guzzi motorbikes have made their way into quite a few movies from the 50’s and 60’s, to say the least.

From post-war times onwards, the Guzzi factory has attracted visits from actresses, actors and film-makers like bees on honey. Marta Toren, Gina Lollobrigida, Sophia Loren were immortalized alongside the motorcycles from Mandello, and the troupe from Lattuada, with actors Raf Vallone and Elena Varzi, have all been guests at the Casa dell'Aquila (Eagle's House). The Guzzi motorcycles soon become two-wheeled extras in movies of various genres. It might seem natural to think that their screen presence is more frequent in the 50’s and 60’s, but that is not the case: Guzzi often appears even in more recent movies. Here is a humble selection:



Film “L'Onorevole Angelina” (Honourable Angelina) by Luigi Zampa: 1939  Moto Guzzi Egretta 250.



Theatrical show “La strada” (The street): three-wheeled Guzzi Ercole (Hercules) van modified with an electric motor to replace the petrol-powered engine, then forbidden in theatre performances.



Film “Guardie e ladri” (Cops and robbers) by Mario Monicelli and Steno: Airone (heron) Guzzi.



Film “Vacanze romane” (Roman holiday) by William Wyler, with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck: three-wheeled Guzzi van.



Film “La strada” (The street) di Federico Fellini, con Anthony Quinn and Giulietta Masina: three-wheeled Guzzi van.



Film “Un Americano a Roma” (An American in Rome) by Steno: Moto Guzzi Falcone 500.



Film “Don Camillo e l'Onorevole Peppone” (Don Camillo's last round) by Carmine Gallone with Fernandel and Gino Cervi: 1929 Moto Guzzi 500 Sport 14 with sidecar, driven by Peppone

Film “Le ragazze di San Frediano” (The girls of San Frediano) by Valerio Zurlini: three-wheeled Ercole (Hercules) van.



Film “Le notti bianche” (White nights) by Luchino Visconti: Airone (heron) Guzzi.



Film “I tartassati” (The overtaxed) by Steno with Totò and Aldo Fabrizi: 1935 Moto Guzzi 500 GTV with Tittarelli sidecar.



Film “Il Vigile” (The traffic policeman) by Luigi Zampa with Alberto Sordi and Vittorio De Sica: Moto Guzzi Falcone Sport.



Film “Il federale” (The Fascist) by Luciano Salce: 1939 Moto Guzzi 500 S sidecar.

Film “Accattone” (Beggar) by Pier Paolo Pasolini: three-wheeled Ercole (Hercules) van.



Nel film “I fidanzati” (The fiances) di Ermanno Olmi: Airone (heron) Guzzi.



Film “Il profeta” (Mr. Kinky and the prophet) by Dino Risi with Vittorio Gassman: one Moto Guzzi 98 Zigolo Lusso and one Moto Guzzi V7.



Film “Indagine su di un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto” (investigation of a citizen above suspicion) by Elio Petri: Moto Guzzi 500 Falcone.



Film “Roma” (Rome) di Federico Fellini: carousel of riders on Guzzi motorbikes.



Film “Senza ragione” (Redneck) by Silvio Marizzano: Moto Guzzi 500 Falcone.



Film “Io tigro, tu tigri, egli tigra” (I tiger, you tiger, he tigers) with Cochi and Renato Pozzetto: three-wheeled Ercole (Hercules) van.



Film “La città delle donne” (City of women) by Federico Fellini with Marcello Mastroianni: 1955 Moto Guzzi 500 Superalce.



Film “Il ladro di bambini” (The stolen children) by Gianni Amelio: three-wheeled Ercole (Hercules) van.



Film “Un tè con Mussolini” (Tea with Mussolini) by Franco Zeffirelli: some Guzzi motorcycles.



Film “Vajont: la diga del disonore” (Vajont) by Renzo Martinelli: a three-wheeled Ercole (Hercule) van used in the moving out scenes of the evacuees, one Moto Guzzi 500 Falcone and various Galletto’s.


“Caterina va in città” (Caterina in the Big City) by Paolo Virzì: the motorbike belonging to Sergio Castellitto is a Guzzi.